| | | | | | | This painting makes me uneasy somehow. There's something weird about a rose inflated to the size of a volleyball, and staring you straight in the eye. Perhaps flowers should be more modestly sized, or really big like in a Georgia O'Keeffe flower painting, because then it becomes quite abstract. Perhaps the key with the O'Keeffes are that she often zooms right in, which makes it more abstract because less readily identifiable. Whereas this is as identifiable as a mug shot.
But this was interesting to paint because I don't often need to push the chroma limits of my paints. A red rose is really red. I ended up using undiluted Pyrrole Red in the areas where the light is shining through the petals. In areas where they are directly lit I use darker, pinker glazes over lighter, more orange underpainting. | | | | | |