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Copyright © Russell Spencer 2012-2019
Last updated 2019-09-29
Painting of 50 Foot Woman and Jessica Alba by Russell Spencer
50 Foot Woman And Companion, 2012-03-06
By Russell Spencer (RS2163)
Acrylic on Canvas, 1015 x 760 mm

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The woman on the right is from the excellent old movie poster for Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. For some reason I decided she would like the company of Jessica Alba as seen on the left, and I think I was right - they look great together. I painted from a collage I made of these two sources. I've included the collage here as the first of the progress pictures.

In the poster the 50 Foot Woman is laying waste to a city, clutching one car while reaching for another. I considered several alternatives before deciding to have her tormenting two figures from the Francisco Goya painting Witches in the Air. In that painting three levitating witches feed on a writhing naked man while below another man hurries past, hiding himself under a sheet. While the 50 Foot Woman is a fearsome force of nature, I think it's clear from my depiction that I'm really quite fond of her.